Отзывы. Белое Злато
Отзывы. Белое Злато

Matthew "MAD 45" Donahue

Matthew "MAD 45" Donahue here, I hope all is well for Beloe Zlato and their fans....this is Matthew Donahue here, musician, artist, filmmaker, writer and educator in the field of popular culture. I have to say that I love Beloe Zlato, really amazing combination of talent, presentation and beauty, I got introduced to Beloe Zlato through their original folk videos on Youtube and as a folklorist, really have enjoyed their music and music videos. My all time favorite songs are "I Had Believed" and "My Dear".....however there are just too many to list here. I really enjoy their livestreams on Youtube. I love the fact that here I am in Ohio, USA....do not know a word of Russian, yet am so moved by Beloe Zlato's music and style....really amazing....and it is not just me....they have fans all over the word, which is a testament to music being a universal language......keep up the great work!!!!


Дмитрий П.

Огромная благодарность Вам, дорогие Златушки, за Ваш артистизм, душевность, нежность и доброту. Ваше творчество "прямой наводкой" покорило моё сердце и душу).



Hello, I am from Argentina, I love your songs and your style! I would love to read the lyrics od yours songs!


Сергей Модестович

Спасибо вам большое за ваше творчество и, фактически, за пропаганду русской песни. Ваши голоса и артистизм вызывают восхищение.